On Facebook, I am friends with a few of the local farmers and food producers in my county. I like this. I like knowing where my food comes from. I like watching as the seeds are started in the greenhouses, then planted in the fields when they get big. I like watching as local producers try new flavors of soda and cheese. I get excited each week when the list for the veggies available at the farmer's market comes out. I watch with anticipation for words like "asparagus" so that I can comment and say "Save me some!". Because, honestly, it's either that or arrive 20 minutes before the market opens. People fight over that asparagus! I like knowing when our local pork farmer will start driving 45 miles each way to pick up milk from the closest local dairy. I drool at the honey. I try not to get too excited when I see a mushroom. And the eggs...the pasty yellow yolks from the grocery will be gone, replaced with vibrant orange yolks of chickens that eat worms! Creamy, slightly sweet, and golden yolks! I can hardly wait.
I saw this quote the other day:
The biggest thing you can do is understand that every time you're going to the grocery store, you're voting with your dollars. Support your farmers' market. Support local food. Really learn to cook.
Alice Waters
It's really true. Do you want to support Big Agriculture? Or do you want fresh local kale, chard, and asparagus that you fight for? Our local farmer's market starts April 14. And I can't wait. So look up your local farmer's market. Be ready for spring. The Veggies are Coming.