The annual Presby Pancake Breakfast has come an gone. We served between 250-300 students at Western Carolina University. It left everyone involved exhausted even though we only served half the students we normally do, due to the weather. It was snowing! After making pancakes in bulk, using a 5 gallon bucket, a paint stirrer, and 5 griddles...even the chocolate chip pancakes start to lose their appeal. But it was worth it. And lets not mention the 50 gallons of Presby Punch. It was made in 2 1/2 gallon batches this year instead of 5 gallon batches. Each 5 gallon batch contains the following: 3 liters each of lemon-lime, orange, and raspberry sodas; 2 cans of pineapple juice; 1 can of orange juice concentrate; 1/4 c. sugar; 1 pkg each cherry, fruit punch, and orange kool-aid mix; 1/2 gallon of Sunny Delight; and 1/2 gallon of tea syrup*. Then you fill to 5 gallons with water. Tea syrup...200 tea bags, 5 gallons water, 10 lbs sugar. Need I say more? (by the way...this is the reduced sugar version!). The original recipe called for 20 lbs of sugar in the tea syrup...and 1/2 c. in the punch! But students need to study...all night right? Anyway, Pancakes...I don't want to see any for a while.