A bunch of people at Price's office have joined Weight Watchers and they found this really yummy recipe for butternut squash fries (they taste a lot like sweet potato fries).
So here is the recipe. I tried it with Turkey burgers and it was excellent.
Butternut Squash Fries
1 large butternut squash, peeled.
Salt to taste
Chili pepper to taste
3 tbsp olive oil
Slice the round bottom (the part with the seeds) off the squash and reserve for another use.
Slice the top of the squash into sticks that resemble thick fries.
Brush a cookie sheet with oil. In a single layer, add the squash sticks. Brush those with olive oil too.
Sprinkle a little salt and chili pepper on the sticks. Bake at 350 for 16-20 minutes until soft and slightly crispy on the outside.